Q'rauni Fhey | 蘭猫船長

This bubbly Miqo'te is full of energy, so it's hardly surprising that she cut her teeth as a courier running from City-State to City-State to deliver packages. Rauni is a catte that truly sees the beauty of freedom to move from place to place, so naturally she has taken to the skies...as a pirate?

About Q'rauni

Name: Q'rauni Fhey
Alias: Captain Ranneko (蘭猫船長)
Age: 25
DOB: 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Height: 5'1"
Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te
Gender: Cis woman (she/her)
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Polyamorous with Daerin Roda & Mynne Rosalia
Occupation: Sky Pirate Leader

AppearanceRauni is a miqo'te woman of medium height and a runner's build, though there is a softness to her features as well. She has lavender eyes with the standard slitted pupils, and lavender hair with pale blue highlights. She has a few scars on the bridge of her nose and cheek. Her tail is slick and aerodynamic with a small lion-like tuft at the end.She is almost always seen wearing her old courier's hat, with which she seems especially attached.

Parchment, Stamps, Travel, Courier's Hat, Ship's Wheel, Jolly Roger (Skull & Crossbones)
Stationary, Gunpowder, Lavender, Sealing Wax, Postage Adhesive

Personality+ Carefree, Kind, Friendly, Energetic, Ride or Die
- Naive, Sensitive, A bit of an airhead sometimes
When you think of a pirate captain, the bubbly Rauni is hardly what would come to mind. But nonetheless, this former courier commands her vessel with a carefree attitude, though if you cross her, she will not hesitate to act decisively.Rauni is always full of energy. She can always be found bouncing on her heels, running at full speed, or performing acrobatics aboard her ship.While she can be sensitive at times, she's slow to anger and quick to forgive. But for her friends or her crew, she will leap into action with no hesitation.Rauni can often be found...

  • Legatum Mysteria

  • Aboard the Shirokaze

  • Kugane

  • Traveling from place to place...

Plot Hooks

Courier Days
Rauni cut her teeth as a courier working for various companies during her youth, but this career culminated with the Bellveil Courier Company. Working for the BCC, Rauni established connections in Gridania, Limsa Lominsa, and Ul'dah. Alongside her beloved chocobo Bubbles, she would run this route between the three city-states on a regular basis, delivering packages to people from all walks of life! There is a very good chance that you saw this catte on the road, and you might even know her from those days!
Child of Fhey
Q'rauni Fhey is the child of Q'fhey Tia, an arrogant Tia from the Q tribe in La Noscea who thought he could put the tribe's Nunh in his place. This did not happen, and as a result, Q'fhey and his child, Q'rauni, were exiled. Q'fhey took up a nomadic life from then on, working as a courier and eventually training Rauni to do the same job. They were a team for Rauni's entire adolesence and she thought it would be that way forever. But after Rauni came of age, Fhey - assuming that she no longer needed him - disappeared to who knows where, leaving behind only his trusty courier's cap. Have you met Q'fhey Tia? Perhaps you and Rauni share something in common....
Shirokaze vs. Yakuza
Recently, the crew of the Shirokaze was revealed to be infiltrated by a member of a Hingan Yakuza - Esuh'ra Jinjal - who had served on the ship as Gunner for nearly a year. His betrayal was brought to light when he murdered their boatswain - Gigisu Gisu, and fled with the ship and its valued cargo alongside the Yakuza leader Nobuyuki Takeya. Though the Yakuza was defeated and subsequently disbanded when its leader disappeared, the Shirokaze crew is nonetheless still reeling and recovering from this horrendous betrayal.

Captain Ranneko (蘭猫船長)
Whispers on the wind of the Far East say that the pirate Captain Ranneko has been making a name for herself in the Far Eastern skies, though no one ever seems to get the details lined up. Regardless, what is known about her is that - for an upstart pirate - she seems to have a stranglehold in a number of areas. People can't help but wonder if perhaps she has a more seasoned criminal in her pocket. More recently, she stole a ship and its cargo from the East Aldenard Trading Company, and there's a 4 million gil bounty on her head.

The Shirokaze [白風]

The Shirokaze [白風] is the Airship of Captain Ranneko [蘭猫], Q'rauni's alias as a pirate plundering the skies. The ship has a small crew of loyal pirates, who have built an intimate rapport with each other aboard their vessel.

Captain: Ranneko [蘭猫船長]

Boatswain: Azzy Crannach

Cook: Iveonne Deafain [NPC]

Engineer: Zwyngeim Bloelakwyn [NPC]

Quartermaster/First Mate: Daerin Roda

Navigator: Mumuni Muni [NPC]

Chirurgeon: Gytha Salter [NPC]


OOC Notes

I will roleplay with veteran and novice RPers alike, assuming I'm not AFK or busy with something else! However, I have a few notes to consider:

  • I am not my characters, and they are not self-inserts for me. While I am happy to make friends with people OOC and IC alike, it's very important to me that fellow RPers recognize that I have a hard line between my characters and my IRL life, especially when it comes to relationships.

  • I am open to all kinds of storytelling, including mature or dark themes. However, please clear anything especially dramatic with me OOC beforehand.

  • I stay relatively lore compliant but I do believe in the "Rule of Cool" and bending the lore (not breaking it) to make a more exciting, engaging story. I like to take vague obscure lore bits and expound on them to make something unique.

  • Because my characters and stories tend to lean toward the mature side, please only engage me in RP if you're over the age of 18 IRL.

  • Do not interact if you're only interested in ERP. I'm not against ERP, but it is not a focus for me. I do not enjoy it unless it is the culmination of a story beat, with players that I trust.

  • I really enjoy exploring peoples' character histories and building their stories! If any of my characters' hooks sound like something you could build off of, I'd love to have an OOC conversation about that! Perhaps we could even plan a story arc together. ♥